Leaf & Elfie: Curious Talks
"Curious. Novel. Expert."
Join Leaf and Elfie as they talk to fascinating experts from different fields and backgrounds. Learn from the insights of a neuroscientist who studies the effects of meditation, a human rights activist who fights for social justice, and a vegan bodybuilder who challenges stereotypes. Launched in May 2020, this podcast covers topics such as psychology, self-improvement, social change and futuristic tech.
Leaf & Elfie: Curious Talks
Giving up Porn. Interview with sex and addiction therapist Mig Bennett
Is watching porn bad for you?
Free websites and smart phones make it easier than ever to watch porn - and billions of us are doing just that. But some scientists are starting to worry about the consequences and there is a growing movement away from pornography led by young men negativity affected by "the new drug".
We talk with experienced sex therapist Mig Bennett to find out some of the side effects of porn addiction. Mig works with individuals where pornography, online sexual encounters, multiple affairs or use of sex workers is negatively affecting their lives and relationships.
To find out more about Mig's work with individuals and couples visit: www.migbennettrelationshipcounselling.co.uk
For more information and online support please visit:
No Fap Community www.nofap.com
The Association for the Treatment of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity www.atsac.org.uk