Leaf & Elfie: Curious Talks
"Curious. Novel. Expert."
Join Leaf and Elfie as they talk to fascinating experts from different fields and backgrounds. Learn from the insights of a neuroscientist who studies the effects of meditation, a human rights activist who fights for social justice, and a vegan bodybuilder who challenges stereotypes. Launched in May 2020, this podcast covers topics such as psychology, self-improvement, social change and futuristic tech.
Leaf & Elfie: Curious Talks
Get out of your comfort zone to beat anxiety: Interview with Ben Aldridge
To overcome anxiety and panic attacks, Ben Aldridge delves into the world of stoicism, Buddhism, CBT and extreme challenges.
Ben's new book, How to be Comfortable with being Uncomfortable, is based on experiences building a resilient mind and body by getting out of his comfort zone in weird and wonderful ways including:
- Taking ice baths
- Climbing mountains
- Queuing unnecessarily
- Inducing vertigo
- Memorising a deck of cards
- Having an outrageous clothes day
We talk to Ben about his 'Anti-bucket List' and learn his tips for overcoming anxiety and living a fuller, more exciting life.
Why not get uncomfortable and experience personal growth gained from pushing yourself to the limit? Join Ben's following online for more information.
Instagram: @dothingsthatchallengeyou
Twitter: @iambenaldridge