Leaf & Elfie: Curious Talks
"Curious. Novel. Expert."
Join Leaf and Elfie as they talk to fascinating experts from different fields and backgrounds. Learn from the insights of a neuroscientist who studies the effects of meditation, a human rights activist who fights for social justice, and a vegan bodybuilder who challenges stereotypes. Launched in May 2020, this podcast covers topics such as psychology, self-improvement, social change and futuristic tech.
Leaf & Elfie: Curious Talks
Jo Woolf: Epic Women Explorers
We have the absolute pleasure of welcoming Jo Woolf back onto the show.
Jo passionately discusses women explorers who broke taboos by venturing out to explore the world. This episode exposes bold, brave, and expert women who often travelled alone to faraway lands, having both liberating and scary experiences, and contributed immensely to institutions such as The Royal Scottish Geographical Society.
Jo is a Writer-in-Residence at The Royal Scottish Geographical Society and has written The Great Horizon.
"The vignettes in this beautifully written book are all drawn from the archives of the RSGS and include insight into names such as Shackleton, Scott, Amundsen and Armstrong! Prepare to be inspired!" RSGS.
Please take a look at Jo's website, The Hazel Tree, where you can find more of Jo's brilliant work, including Britain’s Landmarks and Legends, Britain’s Birds: A Treasury of Fact, Fiction and Folklore, Britain’s Trees: A Treasury of Traditions, Superstitions, Remedies and Literature (Published by HarperCollins for The National Trust;); James Croll and his Adventures in Climate and Time (Published for the Royal Scottish Geographical Society)
- https://www.rsgs.org/shop/the-great-horizon-by-jo-woolf
- https://www.facebook.com/thehazeltreemagazine/
- https://www.rsgs.org/
Also aired on Radio Reverb