Leaf & Elfie: Curious Talks
"Curious. Novel. Expert."
Join Leaf and Elfie as they talk to fascinating experts from different fields and backgrounds. Learn from the insights of a neuroscientist who studies the effects of meditation, a human rights activist who fights for social justice, and a vegan bodybuilder who challenges stereotypes. Launched in May 2020, this podcast covers topics such as psychology, self-improvement, social change and futuristic tech.
Leaf & Elfie: Curious Talks
Emergency State: Interview with Adam Wagner, human rights advocate and barrister
We speak with human rights barrister, Adam Wagner, about his new book Emergency State: How We Lost Our Freedoms in the Pandemic and Why it Matters.
Adam is the UK’s leading authority on the law relating to COVID-19. From 2020-2021 he was Specialist Advisor to Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights Inquiry into the government’s response to the pandemic and assisted in the writing of five reports.
Adam founded and chairs the multi-award winning human rights education charity EachOther, set up the widely-read UK Human Rights Blog and hosts the UK’s leading human rights podcast, the Better Human Podcast. As well as being a trusted commentator on TV and radio explaining COVID-19 law to the public.
Follow Adam on Twitter @AdamWagner1
Also aired on RadioReverb